Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tithing your way out of Debt

Scott here. We had this house that didn't sell for two and a half years. With four kids and two mortgages, our one income family really struggled under the burden. We put groceries on the credit card. It killed me to do that. We weren't tithing at the time. I watched us get more than $20,000 in debt (on our credit cards!!!) Then I watched God fix the mess. As we started giving to the church, He started providing more than we could even ask or imagine. He sent an extra job that helped us pay everything off in a year. The amazing thing is - the job lasted just about as long as the debt did. Now we are living clear. Although I had a $6,200 car repair bill last week that is on the card. I confess, I've been stressing. It's a good time to remind myself of God's faithfulness to bail me out.

In the Bible, tithing (giving 10 percent) is the only thing God says to test Him on. He says He'll open the storehouses of Heaven and pour out a blessing on us!! I believe it even while I'm waiting to see it again!

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing (and beautiful) testimony to His faithfulness. Thanks for sharing!!!
