Sunday, April 25, 2010

Goodbye Good Friend, Bad Influence

(sam) Diet Coke, I have swilled cans and cans of you. For years you have been the thing I look forward to first thing in the morning. You have washed down endless chocolate soy crunchy bars and oatbran muffins. When the breakfasts changed over the years, you were the constant. Always fizzy, always bitter, never sticky when I spilled you in the car. I've endured the years of well-meaning friends sending me websites with bad graphics and exclamation marks packed with rhetoric on how your nutra-sweet will kill me or give me brain disease. It's probably true, but I have ignored it. I've added up how much I've spent on our relationship over the years... more than $10,000! You cost more than a bad boyfriend, Diet Coke, and still I stayed with you. I bought your stock in the 90's and made money when I sold it. Your caffeine powered up many a show when I only had four hours of sleep. You gave me that happy feeling and probably kept me from being really crabby at Scott. And now, goodbye. I'll miss all of it.

I'm quitting because when I was drinking you and our little boy asked for some, I told him no,it wasn't good for him. I'm quitting so I can sleep when I'm sleepy. I'm quitting so there will be room for healthy things like vegetables and God. I'm quitting so I don't have to do it in 20 years. I'm quitting so I can watch God do it.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Scott's Report from Haiti

Already I've seen the Work for Cash program, where people are being hired to dig out the rubble of where they used to live. There was a 3 or 4 story apartment complex that is just rubble. You can also see bits and pieces of people's lives; a shoe here, a toaster there. Signs of life that ended in a moment.

The Work for Cash people will be digging out missing relatives and will use body bags that have been supplied. While I was there I saw a skull and could smell the rotting from where they suspected a body is. And to think, as you're digging, that was a family member. These people are so poor, and yet I saw children playing jump rope in the street....I heard their laughter. There were a lot of blank stares and lifeless eyes. Apparently there were so so many injuries where the limb was just amputated.

The traffic from the airport was unlike anything I have ever seen: imagine vehicles going opposite directions with a motorcycle dodging in and out. Our driver was dodging people, and cars careening in and out. It was the most mayhem I have ever witnessed in traffic.

The people who are World Concern are the most caring and humble people I have ever met. I now understand....besides being a sensory overload, you feel an enormous sense of humbleness at how poor these people are and yet they continue to live and hope like we do.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Scott Goes to Haiti

We found this Good News Story on CNN about a mom and two-year-old son who were separated after the earthquake in Haiti. It tugged at my heart. I can't imagine not knowing where your child is. The happy ending had them reunited, but it really made me think about all the chaos in that country.

More reason to go. I'm leaving Thursday and feel totally uncomfortable about it. I'm stocking up protein bars and my sleeping bag and have no idea what to expect. My only definite is that God will structure this trip to be what He wants it to be.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tithing your way out of Debt

Scott here. We had this house that didn't sell for two and a half years. With four kids and two mortgages, our one income family really struggled under the burden. We put groceries on the credit card. It killed me to do that. We weren't tithing at the time. I watched us get more than $20,000 in debt (on our credit cards!!!) Then I watched God fix the mess. As we started giving to the church, He started providing more than we could even ask or imagine. He sent an extra job that helped us pay everything off in a year. The amazing thing is - the job lasted just about as long as the debt did. Now we are living clear. Although I had a $6,200 car repair bill last week that is on the card. I confess, I've been stressing. It's a good time to remind myself of God's faithfulness to bail me out.

In the Bible, tithing (giving 10 percent) is the only thing God says to test Him on. He says He'll open the storehouses of Heaven and pour out a blessing on us!! I believe it even while I'm waiting to see it again!

Friday, February 12, 2010

A Kid in Every Room

Sam here... We talked about adoption on the show. I really feel God giving me a heart for kids that will be ours, but aren't yet. We bought this big house with empty rooms and I pray God fills every one of them with a child. Here's some of the amazing mail we've been getting from friends. It's totally blessing me. I'm really excited for what God will do with this.

"Just as the Lord adopts us into His heart and a fine example in the Bible of Moses being adopted into Pharaoh's home, we too can adopt children whether they are in our state or abroad, newborn or older, healthy or with special needs."

"The Spirit of adoption comes from God-it was his idea first! God will give you wisdom, seek HIM first rather than others! After laying your concerns, requests and hopes at the feet of Jesus, pick up whatever direction he gives you and don't look back... I guarantee you there is a child out there somewhere that fits and is waiting for a forever family."

"Every time my newly adopted son hugs me, tells me thank you or that he loves me, I am truly blessed!"

"Right now...we are absolutely loving our little Henri. However...I would consider adopting older children. Going to Ethiopia...those children were the ones I felt most drawn to...besides Henri. :) They are so kind, and sweet...and so appreciative of the life they are looking forward to. We have always wanted a big maybe down the road we will adopt an older sibling set. I do think it is nice to have someone that shares early memories with you."